About Johannes

Website: http://johanneslundberg.se
Johannes has written 22 articles so far, you can find them below.

1.1 km long, number 8 of the world’s longest (granite) caves!

Gobholo CaveToday Manuela e-mailed the surveyed length of Gobholo Cave to CaverBob: 1099 meters, depth 62 meters. Thus number 8 on the list over the world’s longest talus, boulder and granite caves! The longest straight line distance between two survey stations are just 170 meters, and with many unsurveyed parallel passages together with the distance between the sink and resurgence of the cave stream being 1.8 km, well, I’m sure to see Gobholo Cave climbing to the top of the list over the next few years!


We bought five iButton thermochrons (high capacity model, 8k data points) from www.m.nu. Last week I had them programmed (many thanks Hanna and Martin!), so they will start log temperatures every second hour starting from around January 10. The plan is to leave them in Swaziland for about a year, and then have someone collect […] Continue reading →

Expedition goals

Not much time left, many loose ends to tie up still! One is what we want to accomplish during our stay. The main goal will be to survey as much as possible in a safe way. This will include digital storage of all survey data, and if possible digital recording of both polygon data and […] Continue reading →

Gobholo Cave in Brno

Just before our vacation in Austria and Germany, we had our presentation at the 16th International Congress of Speleology in Brno, the Czech Republic. I think the presentation went reasonable well, even if I need to start rehersing the presentations beforehand. And learn some more geology. But now there are no exuses to leave out […] Continue reading →

Swaziland 2012: Photos

Swaziland 2012, a set on Flickr. Continue reading →

Gobholo Cave at ICS2013

You will not miss this summers major caving event, the 16th International Congress of Speleology (a.k.a. the UIS Congress) in Brno?! There is still a few days left for on-line registration, if you haven’t registered yet! (After July 1, only on-site registration will be available.) Nearly 1000 persons have registerad as today, but less than […] Continue reading →

Back to Africa

We have now decided the date for the second Swazi-Swedish Expedition to Gobholo Cave: We arrive in Johannesburg on December 27, spend some days for faunistic and cultural surveys in Southern Africa (or in other words, sightseeing), and arrive to Swaziland some of the first days in January. We plan to spend about a week […] Continue reading →

Let’s do a science!

wpid-imag0014 Eight small aluminium foil packets, each with a small piece of speleothem or erosion surface samples, ready to be sent to the granite speleothem expert Juan Ramón in Coruña, Spain. Our (or rather Juan Ramón’s) working hypothesis is that the speleothems are not calcite (as usually in caves), but the more exotic minerals pigotite and […] Continue reading →

The adventure continues!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA Being back home does not mean that the expedition is over. Far from it. Now it is time to start writing the expedition report, travelogues, planning for next expedition, and most exciting of all: start to distribute and investigate the samples we brought back with us. (OK, most exciting of all is the exploration of […] Continue reading →