About Manuela

Manuela has written 27 articles so far, you can find them below.

All set!

Thanks to Anita at SwaziTrails the very last piece (and the rather important one in form of cars) of the puzzle for our one-week pre-expedition-tour is in place now! 🙂 Now we can lay back for a few days and just enjoy the thought of soon going on safari, walking white sandy beaches, snorkling in […] Continue reading →

Expedition Logo

Here it is – the logo for our expedition! Continue reading →

46 days

46 days to go until we leave for South Africa. The first week we, from overseas, will do a pre-expedition tour. As we have come to an end in planning and organising this first week, we cannot take on any new members as of now. It is of course still free to join the actual […] Continue reading →


A short update on the planning of our 2013/2014 expedition. Our participation list so far: 5 people from Sweden (three Swedes, one Austrian and one Czech) 4 people from Austria (three Austrians, one German) 3 people from South Africa And of course Darron and Sipho and others from Swazi Trails in Swaziland! We created a […] Continue reading →

Swaziland 2013/2014 expedition-plan so far

In 2012 we spent three weeks in Swaziland to conduct a first survey of Gobholo cave and explore the potential for further expeditions. We flew to Johannesburg and took a shuttle to Mbabane were Darron Raw collected us. We got help from Darron and his Swazi Trails crew to and from the cave during our […] Continue reading →


Some more photos from the Swazi-Swedish Expedition 2012 as a teaser for the next expedition late this year! Swaziland 2012, a set on Flickr. Continue reading →

Last day in the cave

Wednesday and came and went. Fast. This must have been the most fun day here actually. And I am not saying this because it was our last day to the cave and I am about to go home and de-dust. For once Darron had (nearly) a whole day to come with us and we did […] Continue reading →

Weekend summary

20120806-191204 So, a few days catch-up to do … after I frooze so much on Thursday and the night was not much warmer, I of course woke up with temperature on Friday and a headache, cough and soar throat. We got bikes at the office in the morning and went to the National Museum a few […] Continue reading →


20120806-181514 As it most likely was the last time we cooked dinner ourselves, I wanted to share what we ate most: round sausage and chicken-wings 🙂 Continue reading →

Thursday activities

This morning was a bit unorganized. Sipho is on holidays and no one really knew who is gonna drive us to the cave. We got up at 7.30ish as usual and were ready about an hour later … but no pick-up turned up. Dumsani was out driving something else, but would be taking us up […] Continue reading →