About Manuela

Manuela has written 27 articles so far, you can find them below.


Yesterday was a no caving and no other fun day as we were preparing for the presentation at the Natural History Society in Mbabane in the evening. We sorted picture and made a slideshow, drew the map and … that was about it – it took all morning. We then went off to Mantenga Mountain […] Continue reading →

Hiking up and down

20120731-200336 The last three days I spent exploring and evaluating the geology in the valley of the cave, climbing over big boulders up to the top, through the river, walking through burnt-down forest, talking to cow-herds and visiting a home-stay. And taking pictures of course. I found quite a few entrances to the cave system, which […] Continue reading →

Pissed off!

I was hiking to the top today to get an idea of the area and how the caves could have formed. The other two went into the cave and we agreed to meet at 12 – at 14 they were still not back and no reaction on my shouting etc. – and they had taken […] Continue reading →

New best friends

7663265680_a69065ce6c_z Today we were more successful with continuing to map and measure the cave. The car was still not fixed but we got a ride and were collected by another one. We started at 8 today and hiked up the mountain as usual, but today – Saturday – was much more activity in the forest. Women […] Continue reading →

No brakes – no cave

7663518948_e9063097eb_z Yesterday we were supposed to go to the cave at around 10 and were really tagged to get going … after the second round abound and a close call with another car, we decided we would like to have some braking function on the car, which we go up the mountain with (and down) and […] Continue reading →

Red, blue and green

7645177010_fe2dec9017 My knees must be the most beautiful in the world! They are all red, blue and green – after only two days in the cave – or actually only one, because I had them colourful when I woke up too and just built on the “damage”. My arms are kind of the same, but keep […] Continue reading →

On the way

Now we spent half a day in Frankfurt waiting for our connecting flight to Johannesburg. Luckily it was nice amd sunny and we took a walk along the Main before having a decent German dinner and heading back to the airport. Boarding in 1,5 hours … Continue reading →