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Time flies

Swazi flag
Spring and summer came, spring and summer went.

To be honest, preparations – more than spreading the word and collecting information about who’s interested to participate – were lying low since April.

The plan was to meet up at the conference in the UK, but I was on sick-leave most of spring and had my focus on other topics. But now I am back!
I am planning an own little project in my big project (the one which pays my salary) and started to think about next year again.

I do have a list of people who are interested and I will contact you the coming days. The ones who did participate earlier, but did not get back to me, if they are interested, will also be contacted. Before that though I want to check-out what general questions, such as housing (if we still have one), common transport etc. to get a preliminary budget. I will also suggest several dates, which I want you to think about.

So hang on – information soon in your inbox!

New expedition – 2017

Swaziland 2017 Now it’s been some time since we were in Swaziland and Gobholo Cave – what’s the interest for an expedition in 2017? A call for interest has been posted on Facebook – and shared to some caving sites – in February. No date has been set so far, but it will most likely be in […] Continue reading →

It’s always nice …

… to get a parcel! 🙂 Continue reading →

Expedition Logo

Here it is – the logo for our expedition! Continue reading →

Gobholo Cave in Brno

Just before our vacation in Austria and Germany, we had our presentation at the 16th International Congress of Speleology in Brno, the Czech Republic. I think the presentation went reasonable well, even if I need to start rehersing the presentations beforehand. And learn some more geology. But now there are no exuses to leave out […] Continue reading →