Our week of holidays in South Africa now came to an end and we are finally at our destination in Ezulwini and settled into our house up on the mountain close to Gobholo cave yesterday evening after a day’s drive from Richards Bay and an unspectacular border crossing.
New Year’s Day was a lazy day for us all, mostly hanging at the pool and trying to escape the heat. First it was impossible to get anywhere because of all police road blocks and later because of all the cars. We did plan to go to a smaller national park, but quite quickly – after 5 minutes in traffic jam and very short nerves – we gave up and turned around for another round of pool-hang
On the second we at least got up and out in decent time and drove to Eshowe and visited a Zulu village, did a lot of souvenir shopping and drove to the park, we intended to visit the day before. But of course I forgot the name – there was a Mangrove forest at least and it is just South of Richard’s Bay.
The last days in Richards Bay were very hot and humid, which also a bit explained our activity level – but hey, after all we were on holidays, right?
Now we are in Swaziland, after some initial fixing problems at the house (like running water and gas for cooking) most of us went up to the cave this morning.
Christa volunteered to come along to a major dinner-shopping (9 + 4 people, wonder how we will get all this back up here …) and meet our South African cavers, who will arrive later today. There are still another few things to sort out, but by tomorrow we should all be ready for some serious cave-exploring!!